Thursday, March 16, 2017

sharepoint Powershell migrate users in a web application

param([string]$url = "http://sharepointsite/", `
[string]$oldprovider = `
"keystoneuser", `
[string]$newprovider = `
"i:0ǵ.t|keystone sts|radiant\")

add-pssnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell -EA 0

# Get all of the users in a site
#$users = get-spuser -web $url -Limit "11000"
$csvFile = "C:\Users\Users.csv"
# Loop through each of the users in the site
Import-Csv $csvFile | ForEach-Object{
# Create an array that will be used to split the user name from the domain/membership provider
$username = $_.oldlogin
$a = $username.split(":")
$userloginprovider = $a[0]
$displayname = $a[1]
Write-Host "Old Username: $username."
# Create the new username based on the given input
$newalias = $newprovider + $displayname
$user = Get-SPUser -Identity $username -Web http://
sharepointsite/ -EA "SilentlyContinue"
if($user -notlike "")
Move-SPUser –Identity $user -NewAlias "$newalias" -IgnoreSID -Confirm:$false -EA "SilentlyContinue"
Write-Host "User Changed to $newalias"

To migrate user in farm use the following,

$farm.MigrateUserAccount( $_.oldlogin, $_.newlogin, $false )

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