Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Interview Panel Questioins

Bosch Interview Questions

1. How would you click on a link (properties not known) in a Webtable?
2. Objects Collection object (What is Object collection)? Example
3. How would you refer to an item in objects collection?
4. What is the Type of Framework you used in your organization?
5. What is your role in Framework design?
6. VB script: How would you generate a random number?
7. How do you merge objects in Object repository?
8. How do you edit objects in Shared Object repository?
9. Explain a problem that you faced while automating? How did you
10. Have you ever used native properties of an object? What is the
11. How will “focus” on an Object?
12. How will you code on a Dynamic object? Whose properties are not
13. Have you integrated QC with QTP?
14. How would you find a broken link? Do you have any method for that?
15. What is option Explicit? Why do you use that?
16. What are the various methods of error handling in QTP?
17. What is “on error resume next”?
18. What is “on error goto 0”?
19. How would you simulate a RightClick?
20. How do you send keyboard input?
21. Have you worked on databases in QTP?
22. How do you launch an internet explorer, without QTP?
23. How will you go to previous page on a browser?

CapGemini Interview Questions

1. Initially two button Save and Cancel are there recorded in the
script,changes made in the Application and now the two button showing
cancel label, without changing in the OR how you will click the save
function in the button.
2.How you validate the page is fully loaded?.
3.Yahoo page is opened in the two browsers, how will you compare the
two yahoo page items are same?
4.Application Page data is saved in two database simultaneously. how
will you compare that the data are equal in the databases?

Hexaware Interview questions

1) What is the default running mode in QTP?
2) What types of object repositories are available in QTP?
3) In String Function. String 1 = Hexaware, String 2 = awa,
4) Write a function to find the hours, mins and seconds from seconds
e.g. 3665 should return output 1 hr 1 min and 5 seconds
    If a>b or b>a
       Msgbox (“Text”)
    End if
5) What value of a and b will skip the msgbox statement
6) How to associate function libraries in QTP?
7) What are the steps involved in Recovery Scenario?
8) How to connect database in QTP? Explain the connection steps?
9) What type of frame work are you using in your current project?
10) Write a simple function for addition?
11) What is test object model in QTP?
12) How to create object for EXCEL?
13) Will you use descriptive programming in your project? Write syntax
for DP?
14) How you will associate the shared OR for your script?
15) How you will report your test case pass or fail? What is repoter
16) Write an Excel function to copy all the rows and columns from 1
excel to another excel.
17) Write a function to sort the child objects in a table based on
their class name first then the logical name of the objects.
   e.g where a table contains radio button, checkbox, textfield, list
box etc.

Syntel Interview Questions

1. What frame work did you use? What did you do in the Framework?
2. If there are 10 Actions, How do you run 7th action, but not other
3. How do you make a testscript iterate multiple times? Very simple.
4. What is Local Object Repository, What is Shared Object Repository?
What s the difference? Which one do you prefer?

TCS Interview Questions

1. Explain your Framework
2. List all the Challenges faced in my project while using QTP
3. Explain Recovery Scenarios
4. How many scripts you execute per day?
5. Automation life cycle - What is your part in it?
6. Diff. between keyword driven and data driven framework?
7. Write a script for Recovery scenario?
8. Write Framework Structure?
9. where should be framework files saved?
10. How to protect Actions in the framework files?
11. Where Recovery Scenario Manager available in QTP?
12. Will it (Recovery Scenario Manager) accept two same name .qrs
files from different location?
13. Testing process for Automation?
14. Write a vbscript code for the user to select add or avg operation
of the following numbers 7,9,10,15,17. based on this i should get
result of the above numbers.
15. write a vbscript code to find factorial of n?

Virtusa Interview Questions

1.If Requirement is continously changing how you will automate?
2.What are the folders available in your framework?
3.What is descriptive programming ?
4.Diff between OR manager and OR?
5.Write a Sript for login page in Descriptive programming & By using
6.Steps present in Recovery Scenario?
7.Write a Function for Edit field?

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